Oh Solana are you the twinkle twinkle little star? Cos I truly wonder what you are. The music on the lips of every infant child. Cosmic mystery that ignites the explorer's smile.

A star born from the dust of Rust that hanks on. The captain's block chains that stabilize the ship, his anchors. With you oh North Star of SPL, devs can't go wrong. Hey ho, hey ho, SDD and the community sing along.

Time stamps in rocks Proof-of-History of our great voyage. The modern-day Titanic that runs great on low-voltage. Thick-skinned to cold attacks, the sailor's heritage. with the best crew on board, every threat is sweet-salvaged.

Every voice counts is the phrase that governs our affairs. No military rule there is equality of peers. Treasures and profits lie in this digital sea. solana's realities are way beyond possibility's dreams